Which carrier do you use to ship your packages?Updated 2 years ago
Boxes shipped within the US are shipped with USPS and door-to-door tracking is offered.
All international packages are shipped with Asendia and are then passed on to your local postal service for delivery. For countries where door-to-door tracking is offered (ex. Canada, UK), you can search your secondary tracking number with your local post office to track your box locally.
European boxes are often passed from Asendia to Swiss Post or La Poste (Asendia's European shipping partners) before being passed on to your local postal service.
Boxes shipped to Australia and New Zealand are passed from Asendia to DAI Post where they are sorted and either passed on to AusPost or Aramex for local delivery.
If you have any questions or concerns about your shipment, please ensure you have given your box enough time (How long will it take for my box to arrive?) and then email [email protected].