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What do I do if one of my items arrived damaged?Updated 4 months ago

We are sorry to hear one of your items was damaged in shipping. We do our best to make sure everything is packed safely and securely in your box but things can get bumped about in transit.

Damaged Item:

If you have a damaged item, please send a clear photo or two of the damages to  [email protected]. We will be happy to send a replacement. 

Damaged Books:

Though we aim to send out books in the best condition possible, small dings are very common to any books shipped, and even those found on the shelves in bookstores. Books are shipped many times - from the printer to us, and then from us to you. If you feel your book is damaged, please send an email and a photo of the issue to customer support and we will be happy to take a look.

You can find our full Damaged Book Replacement Policy HERE.

When emailing support, please let us know the email address attached to your account so we can easily find your order and shipping address.

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