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Can I use more than one coupon at checkout?Updated 4 months ago

General Coupon Codes

For the most part, only one coupon can be applied at checkout. Not all coupons are valid for all items in the shop. 

Some coupons are only for shop items and others are only for subscriptions.
Limited Edition books and boxes are usually ineligible for coupons. 

 Coupon Codes from Rewards Points

When you redeem your reward points, you will receive an LL- type coupon code. These coupons can be used on all shop items and you can you more than one at checkout. These coupons are only stackable with other LL- coupons, not other general coupons.

If you have any questions, you can email [email protected].

Please note: If you forget to enter your coupon at checkout, we are unable to retroactively apply it for you.

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